Rialtostraat 2-4Molenplein
Work Hours:Mon-Fri 8:00 - 16:00

We monitor

At the Caribbean Prevention Center we are fully dedicated to preventing disease in your body. This results in a focused approach to monitor your journey with screening.

We follow up. From the moment we sent out your invitation and/or set an appointment date, we have you on our radar. We monitor if you show up, we follow up when your test results are in, and we make sure to invite you back at the perfect time for your next screening. We make sure you don’t forget to call your doctor for your test results.

Once we have you in our databases, we will continue to monitor every step within the chain of your screenings.

We keep all your previous screenings and results on record. This improves our ability to detect possible changes. Did you know that our radiologists use your previous breast pictures when analyzing your most recent mammogram?. This enables them to detect lumps as small as 0.5cm just by comparing the pictures we have on file.The smaller the lump, the less invasive your treatment will be. The bigger your chances of getting quicker back to your life and be free of breast cancer.

Let us take care of your screenings; you just have to show up.